Hello members, both old and new. The way things are done in a Twelve Step Group so as to have all of the members decide how the meeting will be run, discuss concerns, make any leadership changes, addition of roles and activities, etc., is done through the Group Conscience. We have guidelines for our meetings and are the principles that are the foundation of our fellowship. We place PRINCIPLES before personalities, so as the group leads the way for the members and not ONE PERSON. Although I do many roles right now, it is only due to the needs of our group and not enough volunteers stepping up to assist. We have amazingly helpful members that are in fact the backbone of our group, this is my anonymous THANK YOU to each of you and YOU know who you are. The role I have played thus far its through working my 12th step and creating this women's only group for CoDA. This is NOT my group, this is all of ours. This works because of those who help run meetings, get the word out about our meeting, write amazing blogs, lead secondary groups, help with tech issues, do ads so people can find our meeting. We have been heavily challenged by the state of our world dealing with the Pandemic and shifting what used to be in person meetings to the online format. This HAS been a blessing in many ways, enabling us to reach even more women seeking assistance for codependency and those who may simply desire healthy relationships in their lives (who doesn't?). Our group now has active members in nearly every state of the country, in Canada, Europe, Australia, etc. This is a pround aspect of what makes our group so amazingly diverse and will create hopefully hundreds more of our Women Empowering Women Groups. CoDA saved my life, this is NOT a joke for me, this is my reality as is the reality for many of those within the fellowship. It has been a program that has led me to return to college and get one of two additional degree's so I can continue to serve in a professional capacity and assist many others who have struggled with trauma and addiction, as I have.
I have focused on creating this group and several more, even beginning our Women Empowering Women Support Groups non-profit, which will have a formal structure with professionals in several fields that can maintain the mission we have to assist countless women worldwide and help establish healthy communities as well as individuals. CoDA has a HUGE role in our list of growing support groups. That being said, I need to have all of you who are ready to assist in helping establish our groups and attendance in our Group Conscience will assist us in maintaining the health of our groups. The video I have created below will help you understand the process and was pulled from our Meeting Guidelines of CoDA, although verbiage pertains to CoDA, the structure applies to all Twelve Step groups. Please consider attending the meetings this week and stay after if only to watch the process. It is the way we are respected both on an individual level and a group level. I will be posting the list to review as a document when I have them completed so you have a chance to see the items on the list, we can also add suggestions other members would like to bring to a vote before the actual voting takes place. If you have items you want me to add even if you can't attend in person, email me at wewsupport@icloud.org and if you want your first name shown on the list as "submitted by our member, JANEDOE" I will happily do this so you know and can verify on the document and in the transcript that your items was presented.
We need our you to email resigning your position or please attend the meeting so we know you will resume your roles or we can ask for volunteers to move into those positions.
In Service,
Kimberly Sprintz, Founder & Director
Women Empowering Women Support Groups
CoDA, ACA, and The Next Step